Welcome to our website for SPIKE DEVIL brand tire spike systems. For years, we have manufactured our Accordion spike system with great sucess. In recent years we have been testing a multi sided system to add to our line. We are proud to offer two distinct Spike systems so you can select which type better meets your needs.

Spike Belt is our new double sided tire deflation system, which incorporates new technologies, in a self righting type concept. These improvements make Spike Belt better effective and safer for your officers than older designs.

On this site you will find product information, for research and planning, where you can compare accordion styles with multi-sided styles. We also have an exclusive training sites for SPIKE-BELT and also for AUTO-SPIKE. These sites are www.spikebelt.net and www.autospike.net, if your a trainer, go to these sites to start your training program.

If you need assistance contact us, or our distributors for materials, manuals, operation guide, Training units and more. All contact information is in the tab labeled contact us.

Don Kilgrow (retired Utah Highway Patrol) has been credited as being the Co-inventor of the modern day Spike System*. In 1997, it was announced that his system had stopped 15K pursuits with a perfect safety record.

Trooper Ken Grieves (Retired Indiana State Police) patented a new Tire Deflation Device, which was multisided and «easy» to deploy. With the new design came new tactics, where the devices were deployed without a cord.

The safety of tire deflation devices have been questioned and changes are necessary after many serious incidents.

In the tabs labeled “Research and Planning” we give the history of how Spike-Strips became very popular to later develop a questionable reputation. Finally, we explain the features of our products, and the Training, that help make it a safer product to use.

Training is supported with two web sites, manuals, and our YouTube channel. Spike-Belt products are designed by a 30 year veteran of the spike Industry, mentored by the icons of the industry.

* Wikipedia
